Probiotics for Women

There are several types of vaginal probiotics, mainly probiotic ovules and probiotic tampons, both of which are administered vaginally, and oral probiotics, usually tablets or drops. Vaginal probiotics help reduce the symptoms of vaginitis and other infections, as well as improve the balance of vaginal flora.
women taking vaginal probiotics

The vaginal microbiome

Our body is inhabited by millions of microorganisms, mostly beneficial bacteria, which perform functions necessary for our life. All these bacteria together form what is called microbiota or bacterial flora.

This bacterial flora lives all over our body, skin, intestine or mouth, but in the case of women, there is also a very important flora that is present in the vagina, formed mainly by bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus, the vaginal microbiome.

All these bacteria perform beneficial functions for our body, protect us from infections, collaborate in the digestion process, and boost our immune system. They also produce substances that help maintain intestinal permeability, preventing the entry of pathogenic elements.

When for some reason (treatment with antibiotics, use of spermicides, treatment with antineoplasics, etc) an imbalance in the composition of the microbiota occurs, there is an increased risk of infection (Bacterial Vaginosis BV, Thrush, Trichomoniasis or Urinary Tract Infections UTI, and in this case the use of probiotics plays a very important role in rebalancing the vaginal microbiota and regulating the pH balance of the woman's vagina.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are mainly bacteria that are administered to the patient providing a benefit as they are microorganisms that are usually part of the human microbiome but for some reason have become unbalanced.

The WHO defines probiotic as "live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host".

What are the benefits of taking probiotics?

The bacterial flora we have mentioned has to live in balance. There are thousands of different species that must coexist without any of them growing more than they should.

The function of probiotics is to restore the unbalanced bacterial flora so that everything returns to the initial balance. In this way it is also achieved that the pH of the vagina returns to its normal values, around 4 -4.5, thus preventing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

The benefit of probiotics lies in maintaining the balance of the vaginal flora, intestinal flora, skin flora, mouth flora, in order to keep our body in a state of health and balance.

Probiotics have no side effects although those containing the prebiotic inulin may generate some small intolerance in particularly sensitive people.

Our criteria for evaluating the best probiotic supplements for women.

When choosing which are the best probiotics for women, and the one that best supports a woman's healthy balance, we look at several factors:

  • Whether they are clinically studied probiotic strains and each has been tested and shown to have the benefits it claims on the supplement label.
  • The dosage to be taken (e.g., capsules per day or per serving).
  • What benefits the probiotic supplement has on both digestive and vaginal health.
  • Whether or not the probiotic supplement has been tested by a third party.
  • If it has certificates of absence of components in its formula such as a gluten-free certificate or if it is suitable for vegans.
  • Whether its components are Non GMO
  • How shelf stable the product is
  • Concentration of microorganisms, i.e. the cfu count.
woman with a healthy vagina after taking the best probiotics for women

What are the best probiotics for women?

If you want to see a selection of the 15 best vaginal probiotics for women, click here.

María Jesús López Salcedo

Specialist Pharmacist in Clinical Analysis - U. Complutense Madrid
Specialist in Clinical Genetics - Hospital Ramón y Cajal de Madrid
Technical Director of the López Salcedo Laboratory and the Institute of Microecology.

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